For expert support call 01270 212 700 or email info@mgjl.co.uk
Business and personal insolvency can be stressful, the fear of any type of insolvency is a huge burden, let us help you to move forward. We are an insolvency business that deals with all types of insolvency. As experienced Licensed Insolvency Practitioners we specialise in Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA), Partnership Voluntary Arrangements (PVA), bankruptcy support, help and advice. We will guide you through any insolvency process and provide a transparent guide to insolvency costs.
Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)
An IVA is a legally binding arrangement to enable
a reduced repayment to creditors at an affordable
rate. An IVA can only be administered by a Licensed
Insolvency Practitioner. To discuss how much an IVA
costs, the pros and cons of an IVA or to speak to us
for straightforward insolvency advice, please contact one of our team.
Partnership Voluntary Arrangements (PVA)
A PVA is a legally binding arrangement to enable a reduced repayment to creditors at an affordable rate. A PVA can only be administered by a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner. To discuss how much a PVA costs, the pros and cons of a PVA or to speak to us for straightforward partnership insolvency advice, please contact one of our team.
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